
Real Time SMS Notification

Send customers custom SMS notifications at any point in the call‑back process.


Fast Delivery

Fast Delivery of Responses

We’ll ensure any responses to notifications from customers are delivered back to you quickly and securely.


Data Availability to your Customers

Include URLs, phone numbers, and other meaningful data in SMS messages to your customers.


Communicate in Real Time

Communicate with customers in real-time via their mobile devices so they can stay informed while on the go.

Keep customers loyal by providing a reliable service

‘Confirm’ Notifications

Send a message to customers confirming their call‑back request.

‘Update’ Notifications

Let customers know they are still in the queue and can expect a call‑back from the next available agent.

‘Wrap-up’ Notifications

Thank customers for opting for a call‑back once their case has been resolved.

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