
Customer Care

Give Your Customer Care Team (and Your Customers) the Break They Deserve

Tired of long hold times, frustrated customers, and burnt-out agents? Limecall makes customer support a breeze.

  • Customers reaching you instantly without waiting on hold.
  • Increase customer satisfaction by over 80%
  • Happier agents who feel empowered to do their best work.


publicly rated as 4.6/5

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How Limecall Works for You

Easy Callbacks

Customers getting help right away instead of waiting on hold. With LimeCall’s easy callbacks, they simply click a button and you call them back when it’s convenient for both of you.

The Right Agent, Every Time

The right expert, every time. Limecall’s smart routing sends customers straight to the agent who knows how to help them best.

All Info in One Place

No more scrambling for information. Limecall keeps all your customer info in one place, so you can quickly see their history and preferences.

Know What's Working (and What's Not)

LimeCall’s easy-to-understand reports show you how your team is doing and where you can improve. Track your team’s performance in real time.

Instant Callbacks

Website visitors to connect with teams directly with a single click. Our Callback widget removes lengthy forms, keeping prospects engaged.


Live Lead Routing

LimeCall’s smart routing system instantly connects qualified leads with the most appropriate salesperson based on skills and availability.

Faster Response Times

Respond in real-time, exceeding customer expectations and building trust. Leads contacted within 5 minutes are 9x more likely to convert.

Personalized Interactions

Provide exceptional customer service by connecting leads with the right rep who understands their specific needs.

Start Using LimeCall to Boost Customer Care Minutes

Add The Widget

Add a simple code to any website in minutes to instantly connect your omni-channel callback widget.

Customize Your Widget

Add all of your communication channels and customize your widget to fit your brand.

Ready To Go!

You’re good to go! Respond to customers across all channels in real time,

Real Results, Real Impact


Improve CSAT Score

Happier customers who feel heard and valued.


Reduce Response Times

Shorten wait times by
up to 95%



Boost agent productivity
and morale

24/7 Customer Support

Real support from real people! We are available via live chat and email throughout the day to help you with anything you need.

Contact Support

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

LimeCall is efficient and easy to use. So, if you are not completely satisfied after the first month, we’ll refund your payment.

Get Refund

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It...

Frequent Asked Questions

What is Click to Call and what is LimeCall?

Click to Call is a feature on LimeCall, a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads and new customers to grow and succeed. Click to Call allows you to easily place calls to your website visitors through the LimeCall dashboard, which is designed to give you insights about your marketing efforts.

Can I increase sales with LimeCall & Click to Call?

Yes! Decrease the time it takes to reach out to your potential customers by connecting with them while they are still on your website. This allows you to contact them while they are still interested in your product and increases your conversion rates.

Is Click to Call free?

LimeCall offers you a free 14 day trial period, after which you can choose any one of the paid plans we have.

Can customer use Click to Call via phone?

The Click to Call button is compatible with all devices. Be it a computer, tablet, laptop, or mobile, your customers can instantly launch calls from any device.

Will I be able to access calls later?

All calls are recorded and can be easily accessed. This not only helps you monitor the quality of your conversation but also protects you against fraudulent claims.

How do I install Limecall on my website?

You can use a simple code on your website or directly integrate with LimeCall. Reach out to our Support team for more information.