

From Website Browsing to Live Calls

Once a customer has researched your site, they need a seamless
way to connect with your team. The Scheduler finds the perfect
time for calls, avoiding peak overloads and keeps operations
smooth. Create satisfied customers and a more efficient team.

publicly rated as 4.6/5

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Here’s how it works.

Offer a digital-first solution

Customers often look online to help resolve their issues or find help. Using click-to-call with LimeCall’s Scheduler saves on phone costs, optimizes your teams performance, and offers customers fast resolutions.

Collect info and details

Customers answer questions
before scheduling a call
to give your teams everything
they need for successful
Increasing SQLs and conversion.

Confirm and connect

Make sure the customer gets connected. Scheduled calls are confirmed and reminded by email and SMS! Some conversations can even lead to an automated resolution, removing the need for a call, increasing satisfaction!

Flexible call scheduling

Offer calls within 28 seconds or schedule a date and time. Or  both! This win-win solution reduces wait times and ensures happy customers who are ready to talk.

No-coding needed

Just drop quick a line of code onto your site and watch the magic happen with your new click to call button. Connect to customers instantly.

Works on any device

Place the widget on any desktop or mobile site for completed optimisation allowing customers to connect from any device.

Unlimited placements

Place your click-to-call, call scheduling widget on any page and unlimited sites! Drive specific areas (or all) of your business.

Results that speak for themselves.


Improve caller engagement

Using the data from customers answer when scheduling calls, increase your caller engagement.


Improve conversion

By immediately connecting calls to prospects, your sales team increase conversion rates.


Improve efficiency

Boost your team’s efficiency by never missing a single call, prioritising SQLs, and routing to the relevant reps.

24/7 Customer Support

Real support from real people! We are available via live chat and email throughout the day to help you with anything you need.

Contact Support

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

LimeCall is so efficient We;re that confident, if you’re not completely satisfied after the first month, we’ll refund your payment.

Get Refund

Don’t just take our word for it

Your Call Scheduler FAQs

What is click-to-call and how does it work?

LimeCall’s Click-to-call is a feature that allows website visitors to initiate a phone call with your business with a single click on a button or link. When clicked, it automatically dials your company’s phone number using the visitor’s device.

How does LimeCall Scheduler improve click-to-call?

While click-to-call is convenient for initiating calls, LimeCall Scheduler goes a step further. It allows customers to schedule a call for a specific time that works best for them. This eliminates waiting on hold and ensures your agents are available to handle the call efficiently.

What are the benefits of using LimeCall Scheduler for my business?

LimeCall Scheduler offers several benefits:

  • Reduces customer wait times and frustration.
  • Improves customer satisfaction with a more convenient experience.
  • Optimizes agent productivity by ensuring they have dedicated time for each call.
  • Smooths call center operations by distributing calls evenly throughout the day.
  • Saves on telephony costs by reducing unnecessary hold time.

How does LimeCall Scheduler integrate with my existing system?

LimeCall Scheduler is designed to integrate seamlessly with most CRM and communication platforms. This allows for easy data transfer and a smooth experience for both customers and agents.

Can I customize the scheduling options with LimeCall Scheduler

Yes! You can configure LimeCall Scheduler to offer various scheduling options, such as setting available time slots, customizing booking windows, and integrating with your calendar tools.

Is there a free trial available for LimeCall Scheduler?

Visit our website. Look for a button or link that says “Free Trial” or “Schedule a Demo” to learn more and try LimeCall Scheduler for yourself and enjoy your free trial instantly.