
Meeting Scheduler

Let your website visitors schedule meetings with your team instantly

Smart scheduling software for modern business. Meetings take time, but scheduling shouldn’t.

publicly rated as 4.6/5

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How Instant Scheduling Works?


Sign up on Limecall

You need to sign up to use meeting scheduler


Install widget on your site

Our web widget enables your website visitors to instantly check availability and book a meeting without additional tabs.


Connect your calender

Integrate your calendar or configure you work hours to enable real time lead routing


Double your inbound conversions

Seamlessly enable visitors to book meetings and see your conversion rate go 2x.

Schedule Meetings Using a Pop-up or Booking Page

Instant Scheduling

Let your website visitors book a meeting from the browser instantly without switching tabs

Lead routing

Route the meeting to the right agent automatically.

Instant callback

Dont let your prospects wait when they are willing to speak right now with instant callbacks

Seamless call reporting

Gain a 360° view of your leads. Segment and track your calls and enable your marketing teams to follow their leads’ journey and gain a better picture of your customer acquisition process.

Track caller source

Capture the source of each call With LimeCall you can pinpoint the marketing channel or campaign from where the call originated and get insights into your marketing performance.

Optimize your marketing campaigns

Measure and prove the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns so you can repeat what works and discard what doesn’t.


We pair well with all your platforms.

Frequent Asked Questions

How Does the Free Trial Work?

LimeCall is a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads, and new customers to grow and succeed. Our software gives customers visibility into their marketing efforts, so they know what’s working and what isn’t.

Can I use the numbers I already use at LimeCall?

LimeCall is a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads, and new customers to grow and succeed. Our software gives customers visibility into their marketing efforts, so they know what’s working and what isn’t.

How many tracking numbers do I need?

LimeCall is a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads, and new customers to grow and succeed. Our software gives customers visibility into their marketing efforts, so they know what’s working and what isn’t.

Which Countries Does LimeCall Support?

LimeCall is a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads, and new customers to grow and succeed. Our software gives customers visibility into their marketing efforts, so they know what’s working and what isn’t.

How Will I Get Billed?

LimeCall is a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads, and new customers to grow and succeed. Our software gives customers visibility into their marketing efforts, so they know what’s working and what isn’t.

Can I change plans after I sign up?

LimeCall is a marketing platform for businesses that rely on quality phone calls, leads, and new customers to grow and succeed. Our software gives customers visibility into their marketing efforts, so they know what’s working and what isn’t.

Customer Testimonials

Jeff G

Director of Digital Acceleration and Marketing Operations

I can buy #s, track the volume of calls by the dashboard, record calls. I like the ever-evolving call tracking functionality which has begun to get traction with our business. This product is extremely versatile. The development and management team is very responsive, and this product – in its various iterations is certain to be a winner.

Mahinour S

Senior Product Marketing

Since the implementation, we noted a significant increase in the efficacy of our sales team. No more missed opportunities with clients thanks to the call tracking feature.