LimeCall is the best alternative of CallPage

Firstly, we acknowledge that CallPage is a good callback software. But, if you’re looking for a CallPage alternative with better features, or evaluating LimeCall against CallPage, you’re at the right place.

Here’s why we think you’ll find LimeCall suits your business needs better than CallPage

If you’re looking to just automate customer calls on your website, then CallPage does the job well. But if you’re looking to build a long lasting relationship with your customer starting from the first call, then LimeCall is all you need.

We have designed LimeCall as a full-scale, real time, inside sales platform. It takes care of all your sales team needs starting from capturing leads in real time to nurturing them all the way till conversion.

We’ve built our software with features essential for sales activities such as lead scoring, pipeline management, multichannel engagement, and personalized meeting links. LimeCall also integrates with commonly used sales and collaboration tools to ensure your sales team is empowered to be on their game always.

Need more convincing?

We know you need a detailed comparison sheet to convince your CEO or CFO. So, we put together the rest of the page to help you.

When comparing LimeCall with CallPage, the biggest differentiators are the price and functionality.

CallPage lacks essential sales features such as live web calls (call from browser), personalized meeting links, and multi-touch, multi-channel engagement.

While CallPage does a good job at capturing website visitors, it does not support lead management functions such as segmentation, scoring, and nurturing.

CallPage has a freemium product, but the features are limited. With LimeCall you get to experience all our features first-hand. You upgrade only when you’re confident to scale.

5 reasons to pick LimeCall over Callpage

1 . Easy web call: Allow website visitors to simply connect with your sales team through the web browser without forcing them to  share their number. We respect the privacy of our customers and their customers.

2. Lead management: Track and manage activities of upto 1000 leads. Score leads on their behaviour and route the leads to the best sales agents.      

3. Custom IVR: Provide is quick and accurate directing your callers. If customers are calling specifically to buy your product and the order is simple, IVR systems can take the order. This allows your sales force to focus on customers who need more assistance.

4. In built CRM: Manage contact information right within LimeCall. We support upto 1000 contact

5. Rich integration: Connect LimeCall with Slack, Google Analytics, Zapier, WebHooks, and Whatsapp to qualify leads.

What makes LimeCall a better option than Livecall?

Number of domains Unlimited 05
Lead Enrichment Yes No
Manually Callback Yes No
24/7 Support Yes No
Price per month $0 /month $119/month

What more do you get with LimeCall but not CallPage

CallPage helps you to generate callback requests from your website, but a lot of the critical functionality required by a high-performing sales team is highly dependent on expensive third-party applications.
There are also some key sales functions that CallPage doesn’t provide. Here’s our honest comparison for you to decide better.

Lead Nurturing Yes No
Prospecting Tools Yes No
Lead Notifications Yes No
Google Calendar Integration Yes No
Zendesk Integration $0 /month $119/month
Personalized meeting links $0 /month $119/month

How much does CallPage cost to get the LimeCall Freemium features?

Integration with analytics (Google and Facebook), Zapier, WebHooks, Developer API 0 Professional or higher
Unlimited Web Calls 0 Professional or higher
2 Call Operators 0 Professional or higher
Widget installation on 1 domain 0 Professional or higher
Lead Automation 0 External CRM integration
Lead History 0 Additional CRM integration
International calls 0 Professional or higher
Contact Management 0 Additional CRM integration
Pipeline management 0 Additional CRM integration
Business Hours 0 Professional or higher
Forward calls to your phone 0 Professional or higher
Web hook automation 0 Professional or higher
Slack Integration 0 Professional or higher
CRM integration 0 Professional or higher
CallPage Professional: $119
LimeCall Freemium: $0 CallPage Premium: $349

When should you choose CallPage, and when LimeCall

  • You need callback software built to not only capture leads but also improve lead generation and management activities.
  • You want a tool that is built to scale with your business growth and manage a high volume of call requests.
  • You need flexible call features like Click-to-Call, Call Tracking, Voice Automation, and Call Scheduling.
  • You need advanced features like analytics, customer privacy, alerts and notifications, personalized IVR

  • You have a dedicated person to implement the tool and take care of it in case of any problems.
  • You are okay with paying for external tools to manage leads. And you don’t mind upgrading to a higher priced plan to achieve integration requirements.
  • You have to only capture leads and have other tools for lead management. And CallPage supports integration with your lead management tools.

When it comes to Callpage alternatives, LimeCall is the best. Why don’t you try it yourself to see the difference!