How To Be the Number #1 Sales Rep in Your Team?

Team LimeCall

March 5, 2021
minutes to read

‘’More than 40% of salespeople say this is the most challenging part of the sales process, followed by closing (36%) and qualifying (22%).’’

As a sales rep, only you can understand the pain to push a lead through the sales funnel.

You can understand how it feels when a potential prospect comes so close to the sales funnel only to walk away later.

You can even acknowledge the idea of all those rejected and ignored calls because it directly impacts your sales targets and the company’s lead conversion chart.

It’s difficult, but what if we told you that you can eliminate all of this with just a few practices?

What if we told you that you can enhance your sales performance in a shorter period of time and become an ace sales rep in your team?

If you’re reading this, we have caught your attention and to retain this, we have curated some great content pieces that can help you conduct the following:

  • Be better skilled in your  job
  • Know how to manage and deal with lead generation
  • Help you sell quicker and better than your peers or the competitors
  • Make you feel that you’re in the right place as a sales rep
  • Make your job productive and efficient and not as a burden

How will this article help you become the number #1 sales rep?

  • We have first listed why the sales rep performance is frowned upon or deteriorated
  • We then have listed how this issue can be eliminated and how you can get started with it

It’s time for you to change your performance and become the inspiration for your other sales rep to follow.

Let’s get you started.

What is affecting the performance of efficient sales reps?

1. Sales losses are not well-identified

How many times have you acknowledged your failures?

Have you wondered why your targets are not achieved or why that lead just didn’t make the purchase?

As sales reps, they need to just make sales and put all these factors behind.

 Now, look at it piling your way right now.

Sales losses are necessary to be identified because that is when you know where you are going wrong. When you’re able to identify what went wrong, that is when you will be able to understand how you can solve the problem. 

Let’s understand this with an example:

You have a target to reach out to leads where you need to speak to at least 10 leads a week and at least 5 of those leads need to be warm leads so that you can push them further. By the end of the week, you are not able to even get 2 leads.

What do you do?

You just ignore this and move on to the next week and the issue repeats.

Had you wondered what would happen if you actually stopped to understand why the issue occurred, your lead count would improve?

2. Higher number of calls rejected/ignored

If you’re going to contact leads, not everyone will want to continue the conversation you could say with a rough figure, maybe just 3 out of 6 would pick up the call and engage with you. But if you start witnessing that out of the 6 leads that you contact, all of them ignore your calls, that is a problem.

When you know that one or two leads are not picking up the call, you should have clarified and understood the problem then so that you can improve on it and work on capturing the leads for your future calls.

Let’s understand this with an example:

Say that your leads are ignoring your call and are disconnecting them sooner, the reasons could be,

  • Given an impression about a sales call
  • Not helping them, you’re just trying to make a sale
  • Not working efficiently to convert them or to at least hear them out

What would happen if you actually heard your prospects out? Would it make a difference in your sales calls?

Makes sense?

3. Lower conversion rate experienced

The reason for experiencing a lower conversion rate is that the lead management was very poor for the month or the week. Maybe the leads were not catered to well, maybe the leads weren’t given the attention it required, maybe the leads did not get what they expected from you and there could be more reasons.

Had you checked what went wrong, where the mistakes were, wouldn’t your lead conversion rate have a positive figure?

4. Targets are not achieved

What would be your target?

Increase lead count by one number each week?

Meet a target of closing 25 leads by the end of the month?

Have you wondered why you were not able to achieve that target?

Have you gone back to all the lead engagements you had to identify the problem?

Did you at least speak to your peers to understand where you’re going wrong?

Had you done the above, wouldn’t you be the highest scoring sales rep in terms of lead closures?

5. Follow up game is poor

‘’92% of sales pros give up after the 4th call, but 80% of prospects say no four times before they say yes. ‘’

If you think sending three emails or conducting two calls is enough to understand whether your prospects are ready to make a purchase, then your understanding of follow up is completely wrong. 

Follow up refers to the process of nurturing your prospects to help them move closer to you. You are using follow up actions to remind your prospects of your existence, to help them consider your brand, and to give you the opportunity to treat them well with their investment decision.

Your follow up game needs to be smart and it needs to be consistent, you cannot follow up one day and then miss the other and then do that same action days later, this is not how it will work.

Think of it in this way, if you were the prospect, would you still invest in the brand?

6. Not being updated about the latest trends

The number one rule or rather factor for any business to succeed better than your competitors is to always stay updated on your industry trends. The trends will keep changing with time and if you think that using process A is going to continue for the next 5 years, then you are not thinking on the right path.

When was the last time you read about the industry you worked in?

When was the last time you made changes to the trends?

How often do you improve your sales actions with the latest market updates in your industry?

If you haven’t you know where this conversation is heading.

7. Not being updated about the competitive market

Have you wondered how your competitors are always one step ahead of you?

Have you wondered why your brand is always behind in the competition?

The problem might not be your competitors, it is you.

When was the last time you decided to draw a plan to outsell your competitors?

When was the last time you studied your competitors?

Had you done this, don’t you think you would be one step ahead of them?

8. Conducting sales actions in a wrong manner

Your only job is not just to engage with leads, you have meetings to conduct, training to conduct or undergo, fill up lead details, schedule calls, and more. If you think that multitasking all of this during a call with a lead will help or that you can conduct all this work manually in a day, you’re clearly not updated with the technology solutions. 

Do you know automation can conduct your repetitive work?

Do you have any idea when conducting lead engagement, multitasking will just ruin it thanks to your tone of the conversation which will evidently point that out?

If you tried to understand all the above or researched about it, your sales actions would have been spot on?

9. Not knowing how to deal with potential prospects

How do you deal with prospects?

Have your prospects disconnected the call in less than a minute of your conversation?

Were you conducting a sales call by reading through a sales pitch?

Were you talking more to your prospects rather than listening to their needs?

Are you treating your sales calls as merely just a sales call and not to actually help your prospects achieve their needs?

If you said yes to even one of the questions enquired above, you are doing sales wrong.

10. No/Less effort to push leads in sales funnel

What are sales according to you?

Do you treat your prospects as just targets to be achieved?

Have you gone the extra mile to push a lead down the sales funnel?

On a scale of 1- 10, how much will you rate your efforts to push the leads to become a sales lead?

Being a sales rep isn’t easy but there is room for improvement. If you were able to relate to even one of the factors mentioned above, you’re just like the other sales reps who are facing the same issues.

The good news here is you can eliminate all of these problems in an easy and convenient way. There is no need to break a muscle, all you need to do is follow the below solutions and you’ll get started sooner. 

How to enhance sales performance and be number #1 sales rep in 2021?

1. Educate yourself better about your prospects

The number one way for you to convert your prospects to becoming a sales lead is to first understand the following:

  • Who is the prospect you are engaging with?
  • Are they the decisions makers?
  • What is their need?
  • How much is their expectation?
  • Are they looking for a solution?
  • What is making them engage with you?

When you’re able to understand who your prospects are, that is when you can sell to them better. Not all your prospects are the same, each of them will have a different need. So, there is a requirement of your individual attention. 

Learn more about your prospects, understand the following:

  • What do they read the most with reference to finding the ideal solution for their need?
  • What do they comment the most on their social handle?
  • Where are their thoughts going in order to cater to their needs?
  • Who are they?
  • What are their roles and responsibility?

Just collecting a prospect’s contact details isn’t going to take you anywhere which is why we advise you that catering to prospects can only be done efficiently when you understand who they are. 

2. Educate yourself on how sales need to be conducted

Sales aren’t just contacting leads as listed above in the article, it is much more than that. There is a nurturing process, there is a follow-up process, and more. You need to understand here how sales conduct. The better you understand, the bigger your management chances will be.

Let’s understand this with an example:

  • When it comes to engaging with leads, ensure that you are solely conducting just this action. Avoid multitasking and trying to conduct other actions because that can cause a disturbance to your call. Your tone of the conversation will make it obvious that your half focus is on other tasks and that might not go well with your potential prospects
  • When it comes to conducting repetitive tasks such as follow-ups, sending emails, and more, make use of automation. It can help conduct the task on your behalf, giving you more time to conduct other important sales tasks as well
  • Keep practicing about how you can enhance sales performance better, get on training, ask your peers, educate yourself over the internet, and practice accordingly
  • Schedule your sales tasks for the day so that you always have time to speak to leads, conduct meetings, and do other important tasks

3. Stop treating your prospects as a sales target

If you think that by treating your potential prospects as targets that need to be acquired by the end of the week, you will never make a sale.

Do you know why your prospects cut the call mid way of your sales pitch?

The most common reason is that they know it’s a sales call and who would like to continue on a call like this. You can improve on this only if you make the switch to sound like a human.

When you start conducting your call with the mindset of helping your prospect achieve or find their needs, that is when your prospects will continue to hear you out. No one likes to listen to long conversations without any purpose, when your prospects realize that they can find their need through you, they will want to hear what you’re saying.

Frame your sales pitch and content in such a manner where the prospects get a helpful impression. They must understand you are here to help them find their needs and that is your main purpose in contacting them. 

4. Focus on helping your prospects rather than just selling

This factor deserved a dedicated section because it is so important for any sales rep to succeed. If you were a prospect, would you continue with a call that is not prioritizing you and your needs?

Will you associate with a call longer than a minute? Even if you feel forced to invest in something you don’t have any idea about?

This is exactly what you’re doing to your prospects. You are making it difficult for them to even consider you with this action.

Yes, you have targets to achieve, you need to be the best among your peers, but not by forcing your prospects to invest in your brand. You need to be confident about your brand and the solution it offers which is why you need to start selling to your prospects as a solution that can help them find their needs and achieve them. 

To get this done, you can try the following:

  • Explaining your solution by aligning your prospects issues
  • Sharing testimonials and feedbacks about your solution
  • Explaining your solution features in detail

5. Work on your listening skills

‘’What do buyers want from sales pros? 69% say, “Listen to my needs.” 

How often do you interrupt your prospects to speak?

Do you think you talk more than your prospects?

You need to understand here that while you need to speak, you just don’t speak explaining your solution, remember the agenda here is to understand what your prospect’s needs are, what they are exactly working on, and more. Only when you understand this will you be able to sell better to your prospects.

Pro tip: Practice listening, speak to your peers and pause and then speak. 

6. Make use of empathy

enhance sales performance

‘’Empathy is #1 rule for “new product innovation success

Empathy helps you understand the pain by being in a person’s shoes. When you speak to your prospects with empathy that is when you will be able to relate to their pain. For example, if the prospects tell you their issue, you will be able to hear them out with empathy and then align your solution accordingly to help them understand better 

7. Make use of technology unique solutions

Technology has introduced you to multiple solutions one such is automation. Make use of such solutions because it can help automate your repetitive work whilst giving you time to focus on other tasks as well. Also, make use of CRMs, they ensure all your data is stored in the right place under one roof. 

8. Learn and practice more

The best way to sell is to continue practicing the art of doing it. You can perfect sales but you can always improve your sales actions. Continue conducting demo calls with your peers so that you learn how to communicate well, work on your sales pitches, improve the way you communicate be it your body language, tone, and the statements you use. 

9. Understand your industry, market, trends better

Another important factor to keep in mind when you wish to become the number #1 sales rep in your team is to always stay updated with the latest trends. Educate yourself about your industry, understand the latest trends so that when you engage with your prospects you are always on top of your sales game.

To update yourself always, you can conduct the following:

  • Join groups or communities in your industry
  • Follow the leaders or peers in your industry
  • Follow pages that can help you understand better about your market
  • Read online about your market changes
  • Put notifications or alerts to get the latest news about your industry

The Bottom Line…

‘’19% of buyers want to connect with a salesperson during the awareness stage of their buying process, when they’re first learning about the product.60% want to connect with sales during the consideration stage, after they’ve researched the options and come up with a short list.20% want to talk during the decision stage, once they’re decided which product to buy.’’

Your potential prospects want to engage with you, it’s time you take charge and convert all of them into a sales lead.

You are now ready to move from an average sales rep to a great sales rep with the cheat sheet that you have in your hand above.

Tell us, which tip will you start to implement first to enhance sales performance of yourself or your team? We would love to hear what you have to say on this topic.

Share us your opinions with a tweet

, March 5, 2021, Team LimeCall

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