Everything You Need To Know About Lead Generation

Team LimeCall

March 19, 2021
minutes to read

‘’53% of marketers spend at least half of their budget on lead generation.’’

Lead generation is important for any business to succeed better in the years to come.

Lead generation is one such process that ensures your leads are being guided on the right path so that they reach down the sales funnel much easier. 

However, despite understanding this, lead generation is still not being conducted right.

If you’re here reading this article, either you’re new to this part of the sales world or you are experiencing lower lead conversion rates despite your efforts, whatever maybe the reason, you are just like your fellow peers who are reading this at the moment.

We understand how important lead generation is which is why we have curated the ultimate lead generation tactics list that will help you conduct this journey on a smoother line.

What to expect in this article?

  • Meaning of Lead Generation
  • Top tips to conduct Lead Generation in 2021
  • Top Lead generation principles that you could also follow in 2021

Let’s get started.

Meaning of Lead Generation

A lead is a potential prospect that stands the chance to be converted into a sales lead for your business. These are leads that are interested in your product and with a little push they can go on further to invest in your brand.

A lead generation process, on the other hand, conducts the route for the leads to learn about your brand and convert them into becoming a lead. The process is huge and is done with multiple helpful solutions in place such as blog content, ads, and more. 

Conducting lead generation is easy only if you’re applying the right techniques. To help you conduct efficient lead generation tactics, we have covered the best ones for you. 

Top tips to conduct Lead Generation in 2021

1. Identify your target audience and engage with them often

The first thing you need to analyze here is who your target audience is. When you do this, you are able to sell better to them. 

When you have a count on your target audience, ensure that you engage with them frequently so that you are able to understand what they need and what expectations they have from you.

For instance, maybe a few of your prospects are expecting your brand to meet the new trend in the market. This can help you improvise your product accordingly and then selling to such prospects becomes a hassle-free task.

2. Create more educational content

‘’88% of B2B marketers use content marketing as a lead generation tactic’’ 

Content can work wonders for your brand, from capturing your prospect’s attention to retaining them for long, a good content has the ability to convert potential prospects into a sales lead. 

But what happens here is that despite understanding the impact of a good content, the brand still does it wrong. The reason being content is being written in the form of selling products rather than helping the prospect.

This shouldn’t be the matter, your content needs to be educational. It should help the prospect understand what they need to do so that the impression is created that your brand can help them in multiple ways which will compel the prospect to invest in your brand. It’s this simple.

To write great content, you could:

  • Research on common topics
  • Use case studies, stats and more to enhance your content better
  • Make use of expert opinion, videos and more to add better value to your content

3. Write content for targeted audiences

If prospect A is looking for a solution to help his or her brand grow and prospect B is looking to solve an issue about why social media is not capturing more leads, these two are not the same issues. 

But what brands do is they believe it is the same issue and frame one content to suit both. This isn’t how it works, you need to find your target audience and frame content on the basis of them, identify what type of target audience would find Content A useful and create accordingly.

To conduct this action better, you could do this:

  • Engage more frequently with prospects to learn their needs and issues better
  • Conduct surveys regularly to learn better
  • Capture feedbacks and opinions to understand prospects better

4. Prioritize quality over everything

You could have 20 blogs more than your competitors but still, you won’t be able to have the lead capture rate your competitor has. The reason being the focus here was on quantity rather than quality. 

You could have just 15 blogs a month and still have a better lead capture rate because all of the content you’ve shared is insightful and helpful to your prospects. To create quality content you should:

  • Research content which is new
  • Mention expert opinion on the content topic so that it adds better value
  • Make use of current news or trends to add another level of value

5. Get more engagements with your prospects

The more you engage with your prospects the better are your chances of winning them over. Think of it in this way, if you had a doubt and you had two options to clear it, one is getting in touch with the right person at the moment or conducting multiple hours of research.

You would go ahead to choose the first option because it is more quicker and the opportunity to learn more is an added advantage. This is exactly what your brand needs to do with leads, engage with them more often so that apart from winning them over you build the trust factor.

6. Limit your email marketing tactics

‘’42% of organizations believe email is one of their most effective lead generation channels.’’

But if you plan to send 5 emails a day, this won’t help you in effective lead generation activities. Instead, when you plan your email activities such as sending 2 emails on alternate days or similar activities, the chances of your prospects to open it would be more.

Think of it this way, your prospects receive multiple emails a day and from them, some would be ignored and some would not even be opened.

Your email agenda is to get them to open, so when you conduct a good pattern of email activities, your click rates are going to be high.

7. Conduct lead generation activities on channels where your prospects are

If your prospects are always on social media, conduct your lead generation activities here, if your prospects are using email more often, then use that medium to connect with them better. 

When you engage where your prospects are, there are more chances of lead conversions taking place. Your marketing activities in such places would be more effective. 

8. Get on social media

‘’Companies that engage in social selling get 199% better ROI’’  Social media is the new place for modern businesses like yours to get selling. 

All of your prospects are on board all it needs is a little advertising technique to pull them in your direction. Be more active on social media, join groups, share posts and so more with the features of your social handles.

The more you exhibit your brand, the better are your chances of enhancing your brand reputation.

Now that we have this cleared, there are certain lead generation principles which you can also follow to step up your lead generation game.

Top Lead generation principles that you could also follow in 2021

1. Show more empathy in communications

lead generation principles

Empathy refers to understanding the pain points of another person. In this case, understanding why your prospect needs your product, what is their need, what is the issue they are facing, and more. When you start to develop empathy, you are also developing the right medium of communication with your prospects which speeds up your lead generation tactics.

Let’s understand this with an example:

If you had an issue, how would you like to be addressed? In a rude way or a more empathetic manner? You would choose the latter because you realize that when someone is able to understand what you’re feeling, opening up to them and trusting them takes place more comfortably and this is exactly what you need to make your prospects feel about you when engaging with them.

2. Use communication as your strength to convert leads

You have communication as the strongest asset to convert your leads. In out of 5 conversations, if you manage to speak well and address your prospects better in just even 2 conversations, your chances of getting them to convert as a sales lead will stand one step higher. Your communication matters to your prospects.

Ensure that you’re conducting the following when communicating with your prospects:

  • Speaking in a tone that matches your prospect’s tone
  • Listening to what your prospects have to say more than you just communicating
  • Speaking slowly and with empathy
  • Using simple language when communicating

3. Offer pure value to your prospects for anything

When you step into a shop, and you see a product with a number, what is the first thing that comes to your mind before you decide to purchase it?

It is the value that the product can give you. If you realize that a product is not going to solve your issues, then you won’t go for it, because you saw that it lacks any value for you. Similarly, this is exactly what your prospects will feel too. 

If you’re just going to exhibit your product saying that it’s great, your prospects won’t be drawn. But if you start to explain how your product can add value to their needs, you’ll get more leads in your hand. 

4. Learn to understand and segregate your good leads

As mentioned before, not all the leads that come to your website are genuine leads, some of those leads will not add value to your brand growth. If you’re looking to do better with your lead generation process, you need to start segregating your good leads. 

lead generation attraction

You are aware now who your ideal audience is, now you just need to understand who are the ones that can add value to your brand. 

5. Push your lead through the right customer journey plan

lead generation marketing funnel

This is exactly what the customer journey plan is all about. All you need to do is ensure that you’re guiding your prospects to walk in that path. 

Let’s understand this with an example:

Say that you have created awareness to your prospects and now they are aware of your brand, the next step would be to capture their interest. You would do this via blogs, social media posts, campaigns, and more. This will bring the good leads closer to you. You then make an impact on your prospect’s decision. You give them the confidence to invest in your brand. 

To help frame their decision, there are multiple follow-ups and engagements taking place for the prospect to confirm their one action. When this happens, you push your prospects to conduct the action to invest in your brand. 

6. Focus on data capture

Data is important in 2021 if you want to be ahead of your competitors, having crucial data is necessary. This data in terms of leads could be multiple properties such as prospects contact details, email addresses, phone numbers, likes, dislikes, their recommendations, suggestions, feedback, reviews, and more.

All of this data can help you improve the experience of your prospects better. For instance, say that you have a prospect who is looking for an affordable solution to grow his or her business, you can then engage with that prospect with your pricing plan and win them over to invest in your solution.

Since you have the data of that prospect in hand, you will be aware of what and how you need to approach that prospect. 

The Bottom Line…

‘’61% of marketers rank lead generation as their number one challenge.’’

If you too were a part of that figure, with the information shared above, you no longer are.

You now have all the tips you need to get started with your lead generation process.

So tell us, what did you think of this article? Which tip will you start to apply first? We would like to hear your opinion.

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, March 19, 2021, Team LimeCall

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