Better Proposals

September 18, 2019
minutes to read

If you’re looking for a sales tool that will help you send beautiful proposals and win more business, Better Proposals is the one for you. Their web-based, trackable proposals with modern design will impress your clients and skyrocket your conversion rate. Knowing when the proposals are opened, forwarded and downloaded helps you follow up at the right time, and you will also get a notification when the proposal is e-signed and paid online.

Starting Price: 19$Freemium


  • Collaboration
  • Contact Management
  • Content Library
  • Document Management
  • Electronic Signature
  • Knowledge Base Management
  • Pipeline Management
  • RFP Management
  • Templates

Use Cases:

Proposal Management


Rating: 5 / 5Number of Reviews: 106

, September 18, 2019,

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