10 Vital Real Estate Sales Tools for Closers

LimeCall Team

October 7, 2019
minutes to read

The digital age has also made changes in the real estate industry. Innovation should not be seen as a problem, but rather used for the purpose of making successful businesses.

Various real estate sales tools can help you organize and automate specific segments greatly.

Thanks to the Internet, the size of the target group is increased, and more qualified leads can be easily reached.

However, competition is also getting stronger.

To keep your business progressing and to make as many closed deals as possible, harness the potential provided by real estate sales tools.

The Close mentions that the typical real estate agent receives upward of 30% of their business from repeat clients or referrals.

This statistic is an indicator of how important it is for you to create the best user experience for your customers so that they would get back to you.

And that is why the best real estate sales tools should be used. These tools can help you in different ways, from maintaining quality customer communication to organizing documents.

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As there are so many different tools on the market, we bring you a list of 10 vital real estate tools that will enable you to close deals with less time and effort. 

1. Limecall

When it comes to any kind of business, you are probably not going to have the opportunity to meet a person who would respond negatively when asked if she would like to collect more leads.

The affirmative answer would be even more decisive if you asked her if she wanted to close more deals.

And that is completely understandable.

For your real estate business to survive and thrive, real buyers are needed.

Limecall belongs to real estate sales tools and it is great for closers because of its function.

This tool is actually callback software. Real-time marketing has brought innovations with itself, which, as the name implies, are about providing real-time information.

In other words, when a request from a visitor to your website arrives, it is up to you to provide an adequate response as soon as possible, or even at that same moment.

This way, you keep your visitors interested. You give them the information they need right when they want it.

If you leave your potential customers waiting, they will either forget what they were interested in at that moment, or they will go to the competitors who are ready to give them what they are looking for.

For example, you get a query from one of your site visitors who liked the house you posted online for sale. He writes to you that he is very interested that he needs it as soon as possible, and he asks you if he can see it in person soon.

However, you are not able to see the prompt on time, you answer the email after a couple of days, which will be buried in his inbox, or you call him and he does not answer because he has already found the next option as you did not provide the information at the desired time.

Not only can these situations seem unprofessional or unorganized, but you may very well lose a great opportunity to sell the house and close the deal.

To avoid these kinds of situations, Limecall callback software offers a great solution.

real estate sales tool_limecall software

Limecall created a special widget. When a visitor to your site wants to submit a query, a window automatically appears with the question: “Do you want us to call you in 28 seconds?”.

limecall widget

This widget creates a surprise effect because people still do not expect such a quick reaction. Besides that, they get real-time information that they actually need.

Check our : Callback apps for real estate

Of course, if they don’t feel comfortable taking a call immediately, they can schedule it for another time and find out what interests them.

Also, Limecall is a tool that integrates with more than 1000 other tools, such as WordPress, Zapier, and Intercom.

Offered features:

  • Callback widget
  • Analytics
  • Capture leads 24/7
  • Scheduling calls

Pricing: There is a free starter package that allows up to 20 calls per month. Paid plans start at $ 35 per month. By paying an annual subscription, you can save 25%. There is also an enterprise package option that you can customize in consultation with the Limecall team.

2. Spacio

If you want to successfully host an open house, Spacio is a great real estate software for you.

Its purpose is to help agents collect visitors information during open house events.

It is easy to use, and you can customize sign-up digital forms and check-in questions.


Spacio has the ability to check the authenticity of the information collected, so it selects only the highest quality leads for you. By gathering social profiles, it collects insights about consumers so you can start a quality conversation with them right away.

Since qualified leads are more likely to buy, Spacio saves you the time and effort of choosing the right leads for you. Your lead generation would be much more successful and time-efficient.

Also, after the open house ends, it sends follow-up emails automatically.

It also integrates with different platforms such as MailChimp, Contactually, and others. When you connect your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform with Spacio, every contact will be automatically synced.

With the help of real-time open house reports, you can show your new potential clients how many buyers you already have, and that them choosing you to represent their property is a great option.

Currently, Spacio does not have reviews available online, but over 100k agents are already using this real estate software which is enough to support its functionality.

Offered features:

  • Automated emails
  • Optimization for all devices
  • Re-targeting
  • Engaging open house reports
  • External registration link

Pricing: You can start a free-trial period and decide if this software is something that works for you. There are three packages, Agent, Team, and Brokerage, with different prices starting from $ 25 per month. Each package has its own features depending on whom it is intended for. 

3. Slack

Whether you work alone or in a team, a great organization is a must. Slack is a platform that will help you communicate with your team very easily. You can make communication flow flawlessly.


Slack is designed for the most diverse types of businesses and teams, so it should serve as one of your real estate sales tools.

You can classify your team in public channels with different themes and for different purposes.

Slack also allows you to add files and documents. If you want to pay special attention to a certain file, you can pin it.

In case you have too many channels but some of them have priority over others, you can put them into favourites.

Threads allow you to classify other conversations so that they would not distract from the main topic or project that you are working on. In that way, you can focus on them later.

You can share channels with your clients. This will make closing the deals much easier for you, and it will speed up the sales process. You can easily and quickly notify clients of news, schedule an appointment, and maintain high-level communication.

Let’s say a buyer forgot to check something else about a particular room in the house he or she wanted to buy. You can easily open an image or video folder and split the screen to make it easier and faster to communicate with the customer.

This platform is really great if you want to save time and gather all the stakeholders in one place.

Slack offers the ability to integrate with over 1500 applications, or, you can even build your own app using Slack APIs. 

And you do not need to worry, your important data are protected due to various security standards.

Offered features:

  • Channels
  • Threads
  • Adding documents
  • Organized conversations
  • Searchable history 
  • Face-to-face communication
  • Shared screen
slack review
slack review
review slack

Pricing: Slack offers a free version with basic features such as 10k searchable messages, 1-to-1 video calls, 10 different apps and integration, and two-factor authentication. There are also paid plans: Standard package which starts at $ 6.67 per month, and Plus package which starts at $ 12.50 per month. If these packages do not fully meet your needs, you can contact the Slack sales team for Enterprise Grid and find the right solution for your business together. 

4. LeadPages

Real estate sales tools can help you with lots of different segments of your business.

LeadPages will take your real estate website to a higher level. Good design and functionality will surely help you gather more leads that you will turn into your customers, and therefore be able to close more deals.

You can customize a website, landing pages, and other marketing tools that will help you display your website content even better.

The fact that you are dealing with a serious niche does not matter. You need to keep in mind that humans are visual beings. It is not enough to just provide them with important information and create valuable content, but you also have to attract them with the look of the website itself and landing pages. This combination is actually the one that is a winning one.

LeadPages offers different templates so you can choose the one that works best for you and add images, text, and more.

You can publish a new website on your own domain. You will also find that pages load extremely fast, which is important for the user-friendly experience you want to create.

LeadPages will help you create engaging landing pages that will present your offer in the best way possible and within your marketing campaign.


All the changes you want to make are just a few clicks away. You do not have to possess the experience and design skills. But, if you want more customization, you can use the Custom CSS option.

Also, there are various widgets like video insert widgets, call-to-action button, social sharing buttons, and more.

LeadPages landing pages are optimized for each device, and with the Preview option, you can see what they would look like on each device.

You can upload landing pages through a WordPress plugin or use a dynamic HTML file to upload to your web host.

If you want to track your analytics and see the behaviour of your visitors, this platform has a metrics dashboard with all important data.

Offered features: 

  • Websites
  • Landing pages
  • Opt-in texts
  • Alert bars
  • Pop-ups
  • Templates
  • Widgets
  • Matric dashboard
  • Split testing
leadpages review

Pricing: LeadPages offers a discount for annual subscriptions. They also have a new Start package if you just need to build a website. Its price is $ 15 per month. It does not require any coding skills. There is a free trial, also. Other paid packages start at $ 25 per month. There are Standard, Pro, and Advanced packages, and depending on the price they offer a different number of services.

5. Calendly

As someone who is in the real estate industry, you will certainly have a handful of meetings. Organizing and remembering those appointments can be really stressful.

This is why many people resort to using one of the best tools for the organization – Calendly.

Instead of sending lots of emails and wasting both yours and your client’s time, with this tool it can be much easier and faster.

Just send the link to your client. When he clicks on the link, all free appointments that you have left will open up, and he only needs to select the one that suits him. After that, the selected appointment automatically appears in your calendar.


This way, you make appointments quickly and efficiently, and you have accurate insights into when and whom you have an appointment with. With Calendly, there is no need for back and forth emails.

There are also reminders for meetings that include meeting info.

You can also post Calendly to your website if you like.

Regardless of whether you and the person you need to have an appointment with are in different time zones, this tool will use timezone detection to make an appointment at the right time that suits you both.

You can integrate Calendly with up to six other calendars, such as Outlook, Google, iCloud calendars to avoid having to book the same term twice.

Offered features:

  • Scheduling meetings
  • Creating secret event types
  • Timezone detection
  • Different types of meetings: group, 1-on-1, collective, round-robin
  • Reminders
  • Metrics and reporting
calendly review
calendly review 2

Pricing: Calendly offers to sign up for a free-trial period. Paid plans start at $8 per user monthly and offer unlimited event types.

6. Evernote

If you need a place where you could store all your important information, notes, projects, to-do lists and more, Evernote is what you are looking for.

You will be able to quickly find what you need at a certain moment because everything is in one place and absolutely organized.

If you are talking to a client and you need to provide him with specific documents in order to close the deal, Evernote will do so as soon as possible.

You can share your ideas with anyone you want.

Also, you do not need to bookmark or clip websites anymore, just save them in this application.

Over 220 million people use Evernote today.


Source: Compare Camp

With this tool, you do not need to email documents to your team or check who received the latest version and who did not in your messages. You can send and track everything via Evernote.

Your team can access, edit, upload, or share documents.

Evernote offers very advanced search types so you will not waste time looking for the document you need among a bunch of others.

If you want to share an idea with your team, you can do it right away and be sure that it got to them.

Stepan Pachikov, the founder, says that Evernote remembers the past, builds connections, and creates new ideas for the future.

Using Evernote is equally recommended for individuals and teams.

You can also use it to save your personal moments.

Evernote has auto-sync across all devices you use – desktop, tablet, mobile phone.

The productivity of you and your team will level up for sure.

Offered features:

  • Web clipper
  • Syncing notes
  • Templates
  • Search for handwriting
  • Search for PDF and DOC 
  • Scanner for documents
  • Notebooks and tags
Evernote review
Evernote review

Pricing: It offers a free trial and it has Evernote basic Free package. There is also an Evernote Premium that costs $6.99 per month. Evernote Bussines package is designed for a minimum of 2 users and its price is $ 13.99 per user monthly.

7. Lemtalk

Various real estate agencies have chosen lemtalk for their needs. Many of these agencies are part of the Berkshire Hathaway group.

Lemtalk is a live chat tool that helps you generate many more leads for your business. Over 150 clients so far have given their trust to this tool.

Live chat is an extremely important element of your website. Using it shows your visitors that you have great customer support.

Today, competition in the real estate industry is very high. In order to stand out and maintain great connections with your potential customers, it is important to keep an eye on each segment.

Lemtalk live chat will help you show your visitors that you are there for them. With the implementation of this tool, you can respond to any query in real-time, and thus maintain the interest of your leads.

Communication with potential customers will not only make them feel welcome and like they are not left to themselves, but you will also get the opportunity to receive feedback directly from the target group.

You can create automatic Live Chat messages based on users’ behaviour.

For example, if certain questions you get start repeating, it tells you that some ambiguities occur when it comes to your leads. Therefore, it would be a good practice to create, for example, a page on a website that will contain FAQ (Frequently asked questions).

Lemtalk also allows you to receive tickets from platforms such as SMS, Email, Facebook, and others, directly into Slack channel. This is enabled because this tool is fully integrated into Slack.


When you generate leads, keep them interested, and give them relevant answers, it is much easier to convert them into real buyers so you can close more deals with them.

This tool is actually built for Slack and it is very easy to use. You only need a couple of minutes to install it, and since it is great for mobile phones, you can use it on-the-go.

Offered features:

  • Slack integration
  • Slack live chat
  • Emails in Slack
  • SMS in Slack
  • Facebook integration
  • FAQ
  • Multilingual live chat
lemtalk review

Pricing: Lemtalk offers a 14-day free trial period. Each package has unlimited users and tickets. There are three different plans: Startup, Super Hero, and Agency plan. Prices start at $ 48 per month. On their website, you can see which plan contains what features and choose the one that suits your needs the best.

8. Prezi

Given that you are already in the real estate business, we are sure you know how important a presentation is.

One of the best real estate sales tools is certainly the presentation software Prezi.

A carefully thought out presentation will show your clients that they are dealing with professionals.

Thanks to the various animations, you will have the opportunity to tell your story in an interesting way, and to interest your potential customers.


Source: Capterra

You have to start from scratch as Prezi already has some very good templates, or you can reuse some of the Prezi shared presentations.

If you have already made slides in PowerPoint, you can transfer them to Prezi and create dynamic and engaging presentations that will help you close more deals.

You can use story blocks, custom charts, and graphs.

You can use the Smart branding option to fit your presentation with your company colours and logo.

Keeping people’s attention is not always easy, but that is precisely why you need to meet that challenge. You can insert images and videos that will showcase your offers better, and capture the attention of your customers.

You can present your work across all devices. If you do not have an Internet connection, there is a desktop app.

Prezi has helped create over 360 million presentations so far.

Presentations are a great way to raise awareness of your work, share knowledge, and inspire people.

If you want to record voice over, you can record a step-by-step narration that will simultaneously follow the flow of your presentation. This will make it much easier for you to maintain the viewer’s attention when you are not physically present but you are sending a presentation to a client.

With Prezi, you can combine valuable information and visual content.

You can share your presentation in real-time with anyone you want.

Offered features:

  • Smart structures
  • Zoom reveal
  • Free movement
  • Templates
  • Reusable presentations
  • Drag and drop elements
  • Mobility
  • Presenter tools
  • Analytics
prezi review
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Pricing: To get started, you can choose a 14-day free trial period. Paid plans start at $ 5 per month. There are different packages: Standard, Plus, and Premium. The Standard is intended for personal use, Plus for expert presenters, and Premium for business professionals. Premium offers, among other options, the possibility of online training.

9. Mortgage Calculator

One of the real estate sales tools that will certainly make working easier for brokers is Mortgage Calculator.

Mortgage Calculator

You can use it instead of studying Excel, creating countless tables, correcting numerous mistakes, and so on.

It takes a couple of seconds to make the calculation and to send it to your client.

When you use the Mortgage Calculator, there is neither waiting for you or your clients. It is saving you time so you could use it to close more deals.

There is no reason for you to, in the digital age, keep doing things the old way that will cost you a lot of time. You can always use the time that you saved for much more important tasks.

Being a great expert in the real estate industry does not mean you have to spend time calculating when there are tools that will do it more quickly and effectively for you.

With Mortgage Calculator you will be able to see graphs for taxes and fees, interest, principal, and balance.

Offered features:

  • Mortgage calculations
  • Financial calculations
  • Refinance
  • Advice
  • Widgets
  • Glossary and terms

Pricing: Mortgage Calculator is a completely free tool.

10. DocuSign

When you run a business, your skills are what matters the most. However, what also matters is how organized you are and how you manage your business.

Paperwork can be a very frustrating segment for both you and your client when the time comes to close the deal.

So whenever you have the opportunity to speed up the process and save time for yourself and your client, you should take advantage of it.

DocuSign is an application that allows its users to sign important documents in seconds without waiting, having to meet face-to-face, and without any complications.


Source: Capterra

This online signature software provides the ability to sign documents without having to use your phone, desktop, or tablet.

You just need to upload a document that needs to be signed, add people whose signature you need, and add the signature tag.

When the document is signed, everyone gets alerted and the document is stored in your electronic archive.

The real estate industry involves using a bunch of important documents and contracts. It is pretty stressful to take care of every single piece of paper.

That is why DocuSign keeps all your important documents in one place where you can always find them easily.

You can also export documents into PDF files.

Sending documents is fast, efficient, and transparent. Such an organization will certainly leave a positive impact on the experience of your clients.

DocuSign now also has innovations in the form of rooms for the mortgage and conditional recipients.

This software safeguards the privacy of your documents which is another reason why more than half a million users have given it their trust so far.

When it comes to efficiency, 82% of documents sent for signature are completed in one day.

As you can see for yourself, there is also an ecological moment here as all documents are in electronic form.

Offered features:

  • Electronic signature
  • Tracking documents
  • DocuSign agreement cloud
  • Contract lifecycle management
  • Document generation
  • Rooms for real estate
  • eNotary
DocuSign review
DocuSign review 2

Pricing: DocuSign offers a free trial. Paid plans start at $ 10 per month. You can also consult the team behind one of the best real estate sales tools such as this one to find the best solution for your business together.

The bottom line

The real estate closer has the obligation to make the buying process as easy as possible for the client.

People do not like their time to be wasted and that is why it is up to you to automate every business segment as much as you can.

The time you save will open up space for more potential sales.

These real estate sales tools are vital to running your business successfully.

Take your time and explore in detail all the capabilities of each of these tools so you could save a lot of time later on for both yourself and your clients.

Strong and powerful connections between sellers and clients are a prerequisite for great success. Use Limecall callback software with a great callback software features to achieve this. 

Start now and find out how many successful deals can you actually make. Check Limecall Pricing.

, October 7, 2019, LimeCall Team

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