The Ultimate List of Best Lead Generation Principles

LimeCall Team

October 23, 2020
minutes to read

‘’53% of marketers spend at least half of their budget on lead generation.’’

And this percentage is going to increase because for any business revolving around a lead generation is one of the most important aspects of its success.

Lead generation when conducted the right way can help brands to grow 2x better and have the opportunity to increase the number of lead captures. ‘’Leads are 9x more likely to convert when businesses follow-up within 5 minutes.’’

As per the statistics, you’ve just read, lead generation is successful when brands conduct the right actions or techniques accordingly, but over the years lead generation techniques grew vast in number, but the result of the techniques is still unknown.

Interesting Read : 6 Lead Generation Strategies: A Cheat Sheet for Small Businesses

For instance, you can Google for the top lead generation principles and find multiple articles speaking and sharing insights on it, but can you tell if it’s effective or that this technique will work?

In 2020, lead generation needs to be smarter and efficient and that can only happen when you have the confident lead generation principle list that will guarantee you success in this process.

Luckily for you, we have that list which contains the effective lead generation principles that will work your way better in 2020:

10 Lead Generation Principles that will confidently work in 2020

1 . Understand who your ideal audience is

2. Understand where you can find your ideal audience and be with them

3. Show more empathy in communications

4. Use communication as your strength to convert leads

5. Offer pure value to your prospects for anything

6. Learn to understand and segregate your good leads

7. Push your lead through the right customer journey plan

8. Focus on data capture

9. Make use of paid channels

10. Make use of outside lead generation experts

Let’s get started.

10 Lead generation Principles that will confidently work in 2020

1. Understand who your ideal audience is

The number one process of lead generation is to identify who your ideal audience is. You could have a product that would match only a certain audience which means you need to move away from audiences that won’t add any value to your business.

Let’s understand this with an example:

Say that you have a product such as a call back softwares, the ideal audience here are B2B clients who are looking to engage with leads better and quicker. So it is understood that you need to tap such an audience. However other audiences such as freelancers or other types of individuals who work with leads, they might not require your product as the engagement rate is low.

So this means that you need to avoid such an individual as their chances of investing in your product is low and won’t make an impact on your lead conversion rate. 

2. Understand where you can find your ideal audience and be with them

The next principle is to understand where your prospects are. Which is the platform that they are most on. In 2020, that platform has become social media, ‘’66% of marketers generate leads from social media after spending only six hours per week on social marketing.’’

Social media has now become the hub for prospects to learn, explore, and understand a brand. The social media handle creation, the marketing tactics on exhibiting the brand better all have given your prospects one place to learn more about you. If you want to enhance your selling to improve your lead generation process, ensure that you are communicating with your prospects in the place they are present. 

3. Show more empathy in communications

Empathy refers to understanding the pain points of another person. In this case, understanding why your prospect needs your product, what is their need, what is the issue they are facing, and more. When you start to develop empathy, you are also developing the right medium of communication with your prospects which speeds up your lead generation tactics.

Let’s understand this with an example:

If you had an issue, how would you like to be addressed? In a rude way or a more empathizing manner? You would choose the latter because you realize that when someone is able to understand what you’re feeling, opening up to them and trusting them takes place more comfortably and this is exactly what you need to make your prospects feel about you when engaging with them.

4. Use communication as your strength to convert leads

You have communication as the strongest asset to convert your leads. In out of 5 conversations, if you manage to speak well and address your prospects better in just even 2 conversations, your chances of getting them to convert as a sales lead will stand one step higher. Your communication matters to your prospects.

Ensure that you’re conducting the following when communicating with your prospects:

  • Speaking in a tone that matches your prospect’s tone
  • Listening to what your prospects have to say more than you just communicating
  • Speaking slowly and with empathy
  • Using simple language when communicating

5. Offer pure value to your prospects for anything

When you step into a shop, and you see a product with a number, what is the first thing that comes to your mind before you decide to purchase it?

It is the value that the product can give you. If you realize that a product is not going to solve your issues, then you won’t go for it, because you saw that it lacks any value for you. Similarly, this is exactly what your prospects will feel too. 

Interesting Read : How To Choose the Right Lead Generation Software for Your Company?

If you’re just going to exhibit your product saying that it’s great, your prospects won’t be drawn. But if you start to explain how your product can add value to their needs, you’ll get more leads in your hand. 

6. Learn to understand and segregate your good leads

As mentioned before, not all the leads that come to your website are genuine leads, some of those leads are just time wasters and will not add value to your brand growth. If you’re looking to do better with your lead generation process, you need to start segregating your good leads. 

You are aware now who your ideal audience is, now you just need to understand who are the ones that can add value to your brand. 

7. Push your lead through the right customer journey plan

Lead generation Principles

This is exactly what the customer journey plan is all about. All you need to do is ensure that you’re guiding your prospects to walk in that path. 

Let’s understand this with an example:

Say that you have created awareness to your prospects and now they are aware of your brand, the next step would be to capture their interest. You would do this via blogs, social media posts, campaigns, and more. This will bring the good leads closer to you. You then make an impact on your prospect’s decision. You give them the confidence to invest in your brand. 

To help frame their decision, there are multiple follow-ups and engagements taking place for the prospect to confirm their one action. When this happens, you push your prospects to conduct the action to invest in your brand. 

8. Focus on data capture

Data is important in 2020 if you want to be ahead of your competitors, having crucial data is necessary. This data in terms of lead generations could be multiple such as prospects contact details, email addresses, phone numbers, likes, dislikes, heir recommendations, suggestions, feedback, reviews, and more.

Lead generation Principles

All of this data can help you to engage with your prospects better. For instance, say that if you have a prospect who is looking for an affordable solution to grow his or her business, you can then engage with that prospect with your pricing plan and win them over to invest in your solution.

Since you have the data of that prospect in hand, you will be aware of what and how you need to approach that prospect. 

9. Make use of paid channels

Lead generation Principles

Your paid channels could be anything such as PPC, campaigns more. They can derive better results and bring you and your prospect quicker together. 

10. Make use of outside lead generation experts

Lead generation Principles

There are multiple marketing agencies available outside. They are skilled in what they do and that is the reason why you have heard about them. Their staff and process are well established and they know how lead generation works. Getting this assistance, will work wonders for your lead generation process and enhance the process better. 

The Bottom Line…

‘’61% of marketers rank lead generation as their number one challenge.’’

Because lead generation when conducted in an effective manner can spark better clarity on the brand growth and success.

Luckily for you, the top list of lead generation principles are with you so that your brand can function better than the competitors present in 2020.

So tell us, what did you think of this article? Was it helpful? Which principle caught your attention the most?

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, October 23, 2020, LimeCall Team

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