10 Common VoIP Problems: How to Fix Them

LimeCall Team

May 27, 2023
minutes to read

VoIP platforms are communication systems that use internet access to send voice, video, and other types of multimedia calls through IP networks. The VoIP system converts voice impulses into digital packets. Most importantly, these are then delivered over the Internet as opposed to conventional telephone systems, which use analog signals.

VoIP platforms have several benefits over traditional telephones, including lower costs, greater scalability, flexibility, and a host of features. Calls can be placed and received using a variety of devices, including computers, cell phones, IP phones, and even classic landlines, with the use of adapters. VoIP offers even more features like call forwarding, voicemail, call recording, conference calling, and interaction with other communication tools.

Businesses all over the world use these platforms to improve productivity, cut expenses, and expedite communication processes. They are a crucial component of contemporary corporate telecommunications. They offer a dependable and effective method of communication, both within the company and with outside parties. 

However, VoIP problems often arise when using these VoIP platforms. Let’s look at the 10 common VoIP issues that can arise, along with a detailed troubleshooting guide to help you fix these issues. 

1. Poor Call Quality:   

This problem relates to instances where the calls’ audio quality is poor. The issues may include jerky or distorted audio, echoes, or uneven sound levels. Problems like insufficient network bandwidth, network congestion, or issues with the call-making equipment or software, might contribute to it. Let’s have a look at different ways of troubleshooting VoIP call quality issues.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Check if your internet connection is stable: Make sure you have a reliable and fast internet connection. To confirm the bandwidth, run a speed test. Contact your internet service provider if the connection is poor.
  • Allocation of bandwidth: Allocating enough bandwidth to your VoIP system will prioritize VoIP traffic. To do this, use the Quality of Service (QoS) settings on your router or other network hardware.
  • Congestion on the network: Identify and fix any network congestion problems that can compromise call quality. If you need to, think about upgrading your internet package.
  • Firewall and router configuration: Configure your network equipment to support uninterrupted VoIP transmission. Check to see if the firewall is obstructing any required ports or protocols.

2. Echoes or Feedback: 

When you hear your voice again and over again while on a call, that is an echo. This may disrupt talks and make them challenging. When you make a call, audio leakage, incorrect device configuration, or acoustic problems in the environment can cause echoes.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Check your phone or headset: Check to see if your audio equipment is functioning properly. To narrow down the problem, experiment with various phones or headsets.
  • Change the speaker or microphone settings: To reduce feedback, turn down the speaker or microphone level. Consider wearing a headset with noise-canceling capabilities.
  • Echo cancellation: Turn on any echo cancellation features that are available in your VoIP platform’s or device’s settings.

3. Network Jitter or Latency: 

Jitter is a term used to describe fluctuations in packet delay, which can lead to erratic or delayed audio transmission during a call. “Latency” is the interval of time between the audio being spoken and the time the recipient hears it. Jitter and delay both contribute to communication issues including speech overlap and silent pauses.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Check network latency: Use network testing tools to find latency problems and work with your Internet service provider (ISP) to fix them.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Adjust your router’s QoS settings to give VoIP traffic priority and reduce latency.
  • Upgrade your network hardware: Latency problems may be caused by outdated or insufficient network hardware. If required, think about replacing your routers or switches.

4. Power or Hardware Issues:

Power outages or a lack of adequate power supply for communication is a big reason why VoIP services can fail. Call dropouts and audio troubles can also be brought on by faulty hardware, such as phones or routers. Hardware-related issues might also be caused by outdated firmware or device incompatibility.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Power supply: Verify that all devices are receiving enough power by checking power connections. Replace any broken power adapters.
  • Replace broken hardware: If a certain piece of equipment is causing problems, you might want to think about getting a new one.
  • Device compatibility: Check that the phones, adapters, and routers you use are compatible with the VoIP platform you are using.

5. Dropped Calls: 

Dropped Calls are calls that disconnect abruptly or unexpectedly. This can be caused by poor network connectivity, signal interference, or issues with the VoIP platform or service provider.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Check internet stability: Verify that your internet connection is steady and not prone to sporadic outages by checking its stability. Think about switching from Wi-Fi to a cable connection.
  • Restart devices: Restart your VoIP system, modem, and router to reactivate your devices and restore your network connection.
  • Speak to the service provider: If the issue continues, speak with your VoIP provider for solutions.

6. Inconsistent Audio Quality:

This issue refers to situations where the audio quality fluctuates during a call. The audio may start clear but become muffled, distorted, or unstable as the conversation progresses. Network congestion, insufficient bandwidth, or limitations of the audio codecs can be a huge factor behind bad audio quality. 

How to troubleshoot?

  • Check network bandwidth: Make sure your internet connection has adequate bandwidth to allow VoIP calls without interfering with other bandwidth-intensive activities by checking the network bandwidth. This will help a lot in rectifying VoIP sound quality problems.
  • Codecs and settings: Make sure your VoIP platform’s audio codecs are compatible with the devices and network you use it with. You may need to change the Codec settings.
  • Try using several devices: To ascertain if the problem is unique to a certain device, try using alternative gadgets (phones, headsets).

7. Call Dropping During Handoff: 

The process of moving a call from one device or network to another, such as from Wi-Fi to a cellular network, is referred to as handoff. If the handoff process is not smooth or there are device compatibility problems, calls may drop during handoff.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Verify the system requirements: Make that your equipment complies with the minimum system specifications stated by the VoIP platform or service provider. This lists any necessary program requirements, operating system versions, and hardware requirements.
  • Verify device compatibility: Make sure your gadgets are compatible with the VoIP platform, such as your phone, headsets, and routers. For compatibility details, consult the manufacturer’s website or manual.
  • Update software: Always use the most recent firmware or software versions on all of your devices, including phones, routers, and other network hardware. You can find updates and installation instructions on the manufacturer’s website.

8. Audio Lag or Delay: 

This issue occurs when there is a noticeable delay between when a person speaks and when the audio is heard on the other end of the call. It can disrupt the flow of conversation and make communication challenging. Audio lag can be caused by network congestion, latency, or insufficient processing power of the devices involved.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Close programs that use a lot of bandwidth: Shut down any programs or processes on your device that might be using a lot of data, clogging up the network, or producing an audio slowdown. This covers internet games, streaming videos, and file downloads.
  • Check hardware performance: Make sure your device has enough memory and processing capability to handle the VoIP program. Close any background programs that are not necessary and could impose a burden on the system’s resources.
  • Disable audio enhancements: Turn off anything that could cause additional processing delays in your device’s audio settings. Usually, these improvements can be discovered in the sound card settings or the audio driver parameters.

9. Compatibility Issues

Compatibility issues can also be the cause of why your VoIP is not working. These compatibility problems may arise when using different hardware, software, or codec versions. Failure to connect, poor audio quality, or restricted capability may be the results. A seamless VoIP experience depends on ensuring compatibility across hardware, software, and protocols.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Verify the system requirements: Make that your equipment complies with the minimum system specifications stated by the VoIP platform or service provider. This lists any necessary program requirements, operating system versions, and hardware requirements.
  • Check for device compatibility: Ensure that your phones, headsets, and routers are appropriate for the VoIP platform you’re using. For compatibility information, consult the manufacturer’s website or manual.
  • Update firmware and software: Always use the most recent firmware or software versions on your devices, including phones, routers, and other network hardware. You can find updates and installation instructions on the manufacturer’s website.

10. Registration or Authentication Problems: 

VoIP phone registration problems happen due to difficulties registering your VoIP device with the service provider or when authentication fails. It can be due to incorrect login credentials, network connectivity issues, or problems with the service provider’s servers. 

How to troubleshoot?

  • Check your login information: Verify your login, password, and any other authentication information that was given to you by your VoIP service provider.
  • Check network connectivity: Verify network connectivity to make sure your device can connect to the VoIP service provider’s servers and has a steady internet connection. If necessary, restart your modem or router.
  • Reach out to your provider: If the problem continues, get in touch with your VoIP provider’s support staff for guidance.

When dealing with these common VoIP issues, it’s crucial to troubleshoot according to your setup and VoIP platform. Keep in mind, the particular troubleshooting procedures may differ based on the VoIP platform or service provider you are using. 

If you need specific advice related to your platform and setup, always refer to their documentation, knowledge base, or support resources.

Limecall: Your Trusted VoIP Partner!

Every business needs a reliable no-nonsense VoIP solution to help them grow and thrive. Limecall is a trustworthy VoIP platform that provides several essential features and advantages to guarantee a smooth communication process.

Limecall can assist you in the following ways:

Seamless and High-quality Call Connections: 

Limecall puts call quality first by using cutting-edge audio codecs and effective network routing. This makes voice communication clear and uninterrupted by reducing audio latency, echoes, and other typical voice problems.

Dependable Network Infrastructure: 

Limecall runs on dependable network infrastructure. This reduces the likelihood of downtime or service interruptions by improving reliability and maintaining high availability.

Privacy and Security: 

Limecall prioritizes security and privacy. It uses encryption algorithms to protect voice data during transmission, preventing unauthorized access. Limecall also follows industry-standard security practices and compliance requirements, offering you peace of mind.


  • What are common VoIP problems?
  • Jitter stands out as a common VoIP issue, showing up as network connectivity issues. They might be calls that aren’t as clear, or annoyingly slow service from your perspective.
  • What if VoIP is not working on wifi?
  • If your VoIP isn’t working on WiFi, the problem is either with your router or the fact that you’re using a router that isn’t compatible. You need a router with Quality of Service (QoS), a function that gives internet calls the highest priority, to assure smooth VoIP operation. VoIP conversations are prioritized over less important network traffic, ensuring peak performance.
  • What exactly are VoIP firewall issues?
  • A VoIP Firewall is a network security solution that actively monitors the flow of incoming and outgoing VoIP traffic. It protects and controls access to sensitive data. VoIP systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks since they are connected to the internet.


VoIP platforms are an essential part of contemporary business telecommunications since they have several advantages over conventional phone systems. However, common VoIP issues can appear and stymie communication.

Users can successfully fix issues like poor call quality, echoes, network jitter, power or hardware issues, dropped calls, compatibility issues, and registration or authentication issues by carefully following the troubleshooting instructions offered for each issue. For specific troubleshooting instructions, it’s vital to go to the documentation, knowledge base, or support resources of your chosen VoIP platform or service provider.

Limecall is a reputable VoIP partner that provides solid network infrastructure, scalability, privacy and security safeguards, feature-rich communication tools, and devoted customer care. Businesses can choose Limecall to ensure a reliable and effective VoIP solution for their communication needs.

To learn more about Lime Call, please visit limecall.com. 

, May 27, 2023, LimeCall Team

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